Alexandria Swing for Teens

Welcome to our fourth annual Alexandria Swing for Teens Golf Tournament. We are looking forward to seeing you on June 9, 2025, at the Alexandria Golf Club. Registration will open at 10:30am, with a 12pm tee off.

All the information on this registration is required for each golfer. This ensures we are able to adequately inform each golfer of updates or changes to this event. 

All payments are due with registration unless otherwise informed. Please contact our office with any registration questions at [email protected] or call (320) 235-0119. 

Local tournament questions can be directed to Nick Jorgenson: [email protected] or 320-815-2995.


10:30 AMRegistration

Come check in, buy mulligans and get your swag!

11:00 AMLunch

Lunch will be provided for all golfers prior to shotgun start.

12:00 PMShotgun Start

Welcome and instructions and head out to starting hole.

5:00 PMAwards and Dinner

Turn in score cards and enjoy dinner and awards.

5:45 PM$500 Putting Contest

Join us on the putting green for a $500 putting contest. This event has a guaranteed winner!

Register for Event

Golfer Information

If your company's logo has been updated or changed, please upload your company's logo here:

All sponsorships can pay day of or will be sent an invoice after the tournament. All individual teams must pay upon completion of this registration.

  • Platinum $5,000
    Gold $2,000
    Silver $1,500
    Hole $250 ($700 with foursome)

Suggested Amounts

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software